When looking at your venues blank reception space try to imagine the possibilities to transform your space, not only low and high centerpieces but how to accentuate the existing fixtures within the space to wow your guest. What about the window sills, the chandeliers, or even niches within the space. Suspended wedding décor has been a huge trend this year! Floral chandeliers especially has looked romantic and stunning at weddings. Chandeliers in and of itself gives even the most raw of spaces an upscale vibe, it creates texture and amazing accents for your wedding. Have your vendors work together to create even more depth, texture and interest by up lighting, pin spotting, or suspended sheers to create even more of a dramatic effect. Here are some examples below of some of the magical creations we did for past clients! Call Flou(-e)r today to set up an appointment to create your own floral chandelier today!
Floral Chandeliers